Accelerate your growth and reduce your operational costs, with our dedicated agents.

We are a nearshore outsourcing company offering dedicated human resources. We help startups improve their operational efficiency.

Outsourcing solutions for startups

Streamline your operations with Xtern's nearshore outsourcing services.
We provide you resources dedicated to your success.

Customer success officers
person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro

Sales and support profiles dedicated to your business to help you achieve your growth goals.

person using laptop computer holding card
person using laptop computer holding card
person using laptop on white wooden table
person using laptop on white wooden table
After sales officers

Dedicated agents to your after-sales service to improve your customer experience.

Profiles with legal and financial skills dedicated to your activity.

Recovery and Legal officers

What makes us different

Guided by transparency and customer orientation, we are ready to get fully involved in improving our skills on your business issues and overcoming the challenges that present themselves.

Benefit from a partnership based on transparency, responsiveness and long-term success.

We offer you the possibility of having a team based in Tunis dedicated to your activity.

person using laptop on white wooden table
person using laptop on white wooden table

Personalized onboarding

Recruitment and staffing according to your needs
New equipment according to your needs
Dedicated Workspace Area

Dedicated onboarding services for agents with personalized welcome pack and new equipment.

"Rapidité d'action et une aide téléphonique toujours présente. C'est assez rare pour le signaler. Merci."


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